Welcome to compliance bastAI
Ever-changing regulation is a burden for management. The negative effects of over-regulation such as delays, uncertainty and extensive legal costs can be tackled with BastAI.
bastAI offers specialized legal inventories for commodity exchanges, clearing houses and digital market places. Our legal inventories are continuously up to date and are a solid base for internal and external due diligence.
bastAI By understanding and adopting unified regulation new markets become accessible.
bastAI frameworks fulfill highest requirements of data (integrity availability confidentiality)
We have a story of success on integrating computational semantics, legal expertise and know-how to create written rules.
Why BastAI can do it better?
- Wide legal expertise. Our founders have bast experience in consulting for multinational companies.
- Semantics engine. We have developed a semantics engine which allows us to analyze and harmonize external requirements exhaustively.
- Thorough testing. We meticulously test the written rules we deliver. They should be clear of ambiguities, written in clear and down to earth language.
- As simple as possible, as extensive as necessary.